Welcome to our Adult Faith Formation program! We extend a warm embrace to all who seek to deepen their faith and reconnect with their Catholic roots. Our ministry is dedicated to welcoming back Catholics who have been away, providing a supportive environment to ask questions, address concerns, and reintegrate into the Church following the reforms of Vatican II. Our approach is both hospitable and confidential, ensuring a comfortable space for personal growth.
Program Overview Adult Faith Formation is designed for individuals aged 18 and above who wish to receive sacraments or explore and enrich their spiritual journey. This phase offers Catholics an opportunity for introspection and a deeper understanding of their faith.
People who have been thinking of becoming Catholic, who are attracted to its beliefs, and who seek deeper meaning in their lives may wish to follow these promptings and discover what lies behind them. Our Sunday morning gatherings are dedicated to nurturing a closer relationship with the Lord through reflection on Scripture, Church teachings, and various related topics. These sessions prepare participants for the reception of the Sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist, and Confirmation.
We invite you to join us twice a month on Sunday as we journey together towards a deeper relationship with God. For more information or to get involved, please contact us using the information provided below. We look forward to accompanying you on your journey of faith at St. Thomas Aquinas Church.
2024 - 2025 Pricing
* All fees must be paid upon registration.
Contact Us For more information or to reach our Religious Education Director, Elsa Jimenez, please use the following: